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Working Towards a Better Tomorrow

OROMO STUDENT UNION was founded by Daniel Namarra in 1980, during a time where there weren't many Oromo students at the University of Minnesota. OSU was created on the backbone of raising awareness about Oromo people, history, and culture. Today, OSU continues to raise awareness not only about the Oromo people, culture, or history, but the political climate in Ethiopia that continues to oppress the Oromo people. With a new generation of Oromo youth assimilating to American culture, there is fear that they will forget their ethnic background. OSU, from its inception, has aimed to keep Oromo culture and traditions alive, so every new generation has a deep understanding of their culture. OSU hopes to continue building up Oromo people, culture, and history while remaining vocal about the current political climate in Oromia. As an organization, we hope to not only educate the University of Minnesota campus but the entire Minnesota community about the rich and beautiful culture of Oromos.

About: About Us
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